Spring cleaning season is almost upon us! It's crazy how fast winter flew by. Over the winter, the accumulation of dust, fingerprints, and junk makes spring cleaning your property a hefty proposition. Here in Michigan, there appears to be an early spring warm up in the forecast, and that means we can get a head start!
According to businessinsider.com, it takes 6 days on average to complete spring cleaning. That is a significant amount of time considering how busy the average person is. I believe the best method is to divide and conquer. Deep cleaning after a long winter means you really have to break down the intricacies of having a clean home. Start with the obvious tasks such as vacuuming or mopping the floors, and work your way to the less obvious such as washing your pillows. Per homesinapete.com, some of the biggest things that people miss when spring cleaning are cleaning trash cans, washing your dish washer, and rinsing out your coffee maker.
Personally, I've assembled a list with all of the outdoor and indoor chores that need to be completed. When I assembled my list, I really gave myself some time to walk through the inside and outside of the house, to compile all of the things I need to get done; the total task list came out to 30! Some tasks are straight forward that don't require much forethought, while others need some planning. For example, I have a garden that I maintain every growing season. I needed to source where I was going to get materials such as compost. After some research, I found that Soccra in Rochester Hills provides free compost to residents! Putting in the time before hand saved me hassle as well as money!
Don't get overwhelmed at the the thought of taking on spring cleaning this year. The key to accomplishing everything you need to get done this spring starts with being proactive. Make a plan and execute. This method can be applied to pretty much anything in life! Good luck everyone!
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